28 Aralık 2009 Pazartesi

Re: Monday's Daily Brief

Arianna Huffington: 2009: The Things I Want to Forget

2009/12/29 The Huffington Post <dailybrief@huffingtonpost.com>
The Huffington Post   2009-12-28

The Daily Brief

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Arianna Huffington: 2009: The Things I Want to Forget


Arianna Huffington: For some, the end of the year is a time to think back on all the memorable moments from the previous 12 months. I prefer to continue my contrarian tradition of removing from my internal hard drive all the things that should no longer be cluttering my mind. My list of things to forget, circa 2009, includes Glenn Beck's tears, Glenn Beck's whiteboard, Glenn Beck's attacks on Van Jones, and Glenn Beck calling Obama "a racist." Also: the fact that we know as much as we do about David Letterman's, Tiger Woods', Sen. John Ensign's and Gov. Mark Sanford's sex lives; the large number of warning signs exhibited by Maj. Nidal Hasan that were overlooked; and Balloon Boy vomiting on national television. Twice. Click here to read more.

Roey Rosenblith: Over Detroit Skies

I was on my third in-flight movie when the screaming started. That was when my fellow passenger Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab decided to ignite his explosives 19 rows ahead of me.

Mahmood Delkhasteh: The 21st Century's First Authentic Revolution

The violent confrontations in Iran this week, which resulted from widespread resistance to the brutality of the regime's various security forces, have shifted the balance of the struggle towards the people.

Ruth Hochberger: It's Paying for an Interview - No Matter What You Call It

While we all felt satisfied that justice had been done for the Goldman family, NBC's decision to pay for a chartered plane to fly David and Sean back to the U.S. smacks of bribery, not justice.

Robert Reich: 2009: The Year Wall Street Bounced Back and Main Street Got Shafted

If 2009 has proved anything, it's that the bailout of Wall Street didn't trickle down to Main Street. Mortgage delinquencies continue to rise. And people everywhere, it seems, are worried about losing their jobs.

David Sirota: What Happens When We Can't Trust the Media/Economic Verifiers?

While we'll never fully snuff out spin, we can at least secure the facts behind a given issue. The type of misinformation that took us to Iraq continues to influence our societal decision-making.


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Al-Qaida In The Arabian Peninsula Claims Responsibility For Attempted Airliner Attack

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The Biggest Political Disappointments Of 2009

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